Embelishing your Landscape with Garden Ornaments

Wind chime close-up
Image via Wikipedia

  To beautify your home and enhance your landscape, why not decorate with a display of garden ornaments? Embellishing your outdoor space doesn’t have to be a large expense or take hours of labor to accomplish. A garden fountain, wind chime, garden stake or birdhouse is a perfect adornment for any yard scape. These garden ornaments can be bought very reasonable and won’t take much effort to place them in your outdoor space.

        Picture walking through your backdoor into your garden area looking down a path. You see a birdhouse with a feathered family peeping from inside the hole. Beyond that you hear the trickling sound of water flowing over on a garden fountain. As you stroll on a little farther you see a garden statue rising above your beautiful flowers. There might be a slumbering gnome statue or an angelic cherub to promote peace, love and innocence. A bouncy butterfly garden stake or colorful wind spinner is leading the way, as you follow stepping stones heading for the garden bench that awaits you at the end.. You hear the sound of wind chimes tingling in the gentle breeze. All of these ardornments set your mind at ease and gives you a feel of satisfaction and contentment knowing you have created this peaceful setting.
      As mentioned, these ornaments need not cost a lot. Ornaments can be found in any price range and often are the more reasonably priced than the foliage planted in the garden.  When shopping for your garden ornaments be sure to have an idea of how much you want to spend. This will give you the parameters on style, size and materials of the garden ornaments. And don’t be afraid to make a “wish list” for future items that may be a little out of your financial reach presently.       To browse a selection of reasonably priced garden ornaments of all styles, please visit us at www.mygardenornaments.com.

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Flower Garden Plans | Flower Garden

Red Valerian, a perennial plant.
Image via Wikipedia

Perennial flower beds can be considered as a basic component of a well-planned landscape design. They not only complement any garden, but are also easy to maintain. With perennial flower bed plans, you are not required to replace plants frequently, which is so in case of growing annuals and biennials. Once a perennial garden is established, you can follow simple maintenance tips to preserve the aesthetic value of the garden.

The color and flower type of perennial plants are plentiful; you can select specific varieties as per your flower garden theme. As we already know, the blooming period of perennial plants are short, usually 4 – 6 weeks. A properly planned perennial garden will give you the advantage of enjoying vibrant flowers throughout the year. While designing garden flower beds of a perennial type, make sure that you plan properly regarding the theme, beds and plant variety.

Perennial Garden: Designs for Flower Beds

Though perennial flowers can be grown randomly, plantation in beds gives a special visual impact. When viewed at a glance, vibrant colored flowers appear more beautiful when they bloom in groups, rather than in singles. Anytime, a perennial garden bed with full bloomed flowers is appreciated by every viewer. You can practice basic landscaping ideas for flower beds while designing a perennial garden. Following are some basic tips on perennial flower beds and designs for garden flower beds.

Perennial Garden Theme: First of all, select the theme of the perennial garden. You can opt for a formal type, scented type (roses and lavender), butterfly garden (salvia and buddleia), water garden or any other theme as your choice. If you are a beginner, it is always better to choose a manageable and attractive perennial garden type. Once you gain knowledge about the maintenance tips regarding various themes, you can go for more complex garden types.

Perennial Flower Bed Plan: Lay out the plan of the perennial flower beds according to the area of the yard. A wider bed gives more flexibility for designing the flower beds. Also, narrow flower beds give a crowded appearance. Nevertheless, too wide garden beds may be difficult to manage, as you will not be able to reach the middle plants. An 8 – 10 feet wide bed is a preferable dimension for perennial flower beds.

Selecting Perennial Flower: Selecting the plant variety is the most crucial step for designing a perennial flower garden. A basic tip is to select plants according to their required growing conditions (soil, light, water, temperature) so that they grow best in your garden. Another important aspect for selecting plant variety is the height, flower color, length of blooming and flowering time.

Creating Color Scheme: You can sort out the plants according to the height, flower color and blooming time prior to creating a color scheme. Also, make sure you consider the light requirements of the plants, while grouping perennial flowers. Speaking about the color scheme of the perennial flower bed, you can group perennial plants (of different colors) in odd numbers. A cluster of three perennial plants with various colors looks appealing. Warm flower colors include yellow, orange and red together; while cool colors are white, pink, purple and blue.

Plantation Pattern: While growing the perennial plants, place the short varieties (dianthus and phlox) on the front and tall plants (peony and iris) at the back. You can include 14 – 18 inch tall flowers in the front section, 1 – 3 feet tall varieties in the middle portion and 3 – 5 feet perennial flowers at the back. Planting in this pattern will create a scenic beauty to your perennial flower beds.

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