Ficus Bonsai Trees- 3 Popular Varieties To Choose From

Ficus Bonsai trees are a great option to developing a bonsai garden.Ficus microcarpa sumo 7-26-09
Even if you only have a small space in which to grow your bonsai
trees they will still provide you with a lot of personal satisfaction.

When choosing a bonsai tree the ficus bonsai trees are an interesting choice.  Take the example shown in the image. The bonsai is interesting,
quite hardy and not expensive.

Ficus Bonsai Tree

A plant will always be a plant. Several moms will be in the trend of buying ficus bonsai trees since they are an attractive piece of decor for your home.  As you can see – this ficus bonsai tree does not take much space but it is very catchy and also attractive particularly if you will put it in a place where it’s visible for your visitors at home.

Though there tend to be 600+ species for this kind of plant, however, top three most in-demand selection are the following:

1.) Narrow leaf ficus bonsai

2.) Dwarf ficus bonsai

3.) Weeping ficus bonsai

In reality, is it quite not easy to differentiate them all. They look similar and simple vary by the looks of its branches and the size of its leaves. If you are buying a bonsai tree, then I think that selecting among these three is the best selection for you. You know why, since this is common, then I assume that lots of people own it and is familiar with it. You can easily find owners who will provide you tips about how to correctly take care of this kind.

While searching the internet, I discovered simple ideas which you might need to find out regarding growing a bonsai tree. Ficus bonsai trees may last for so many years when it is properly taken care of.

1.) Lightings. All bonsai trees require the light of the sun however I do suggest that you bring it out of your house in the morning. Then bring it inside again around 9am because the sun is getting hotter and it will not be healthy for your bonsai if this will be exposed with too much heat.

2.) Fertilizer. Plants also needs vitamins that’s why you need to put fertilizer on specific days to make it healthy. With good care, your ficus bonsai trees will grow with healthy leaves.

3.) Watering your bonsai trees. You have to water your plant and don’t allow it dried up. It is easy to check once its getting dry since you can see if the soil is wet. Normally, soil is dark brown when it is wet and light brown if dry.

Just a reminder, don’t over water your bonsai trees mainly because it will get waterlogged and probably rot and die.

Learn more about Ficus Bonsai Trees

How to Grow Bonsai Trees : Various Types of Bonsai
See various types of bonsai trees between 25 & 100 years old, in this free video. Expert: Mike Hansen Bio: Mike Hansen, owner of Midwest Bonsai, has been growing, caring, selling, and instructing others in bonsai care for years. Mike is an expert bonsai master.

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Recycling Your Kitchen Waste into Compost Easily

Many of our garden maintenance customers ask about making compost from kitchen and garden waste and we are

Kitchen Waste Digester
Kitchen Waste Digester

always keen on new technologies and ideas about how to do that easily and cleanly. As you probably know if you have ever managed a compost heap that it can get smelly and turn downright putrid if you get it wrong.

Earth Probiotic Recycling Solutions Pty. Ltd. is a recycling business focused on the management and reuse of food-waste.

Food-waste, when dumped, is an environmental hazard.  During the putrefying process, food-waste produces greenhouse gases including methane, attracts vermin, provides an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and pollutes above and below-ground water sources.

However, when treated properly food-waste can be reused as a microbial rich soil enhancer. And any gardener likes that idea.

Earth Probiotic’s solution is a fermentation (vs. decomposing) process.  Using bokashi – wheat-bran innoculated with effective microorganisms – food-waste is fermented in anaerobic drums and digesters.  Through this process, ALL food-waste can be treated including cooked and uncooked meat, sea-food, dairy, onions, citrus and small bones.

During the fermentation process pathogens are removed through competitive exclusion.  Good bacteria colonises the food-waste matrix and makes it ready for reapplication into soil and compost.

Not only is the food-waste thus now reusable, the end product is rich in essential microbial life and thus has the ability to super-charge plant and vegetable growth.

Earth Probiotic offers food-waste management solutions for households and businesses.

Business Food-Waste Solutions

As no two commercial kitchens are the same, Earth Probiotic offers a bespoke solution.  Solutions can be either:

Setting up on-site composting facilities so that food-waste can be reused in the grounds of the entity.
Providing a collection and replacement solution where fermentation drums are collected and replaced with clean ones.  Food-waste is taken to Earth Probiotic’s composting facility in northern Johannesburg.

For both solutions, in-kitchen separation is necessary.

Earth Probiotic provides fermentation drums, separation drums and bokashi.  Bokashi should be added to the food-waste during the separation process.

Successful implementations include Protea Hotels (Witbank, Capital, Highveld), The Peech Hotel, and a completed trial at Nando’s in Savoy.  Benefits of the system listed are:

Cleaner more easily managed kitchens.
Significantly fewer flies and other pests.
Reduced odours.
Increased waste awareness and thus savings.
Financial savings on pest deterrents, rubbish bags, cleaning products and bin pick-up costs.

Domestic Food-Waste Solutions

Imported digesters manufactured by SCD Probiotics in Thailand.  These digesters (also called composters) are anaerobic probiotic-infused plastic bins.
Local digesters manufactured in South Africa.  These bins are available in 20/25l for domestic and small B&B use.
Bokashi bran which is essential for the effective fermentation of the food-waste.  Bokashi is locally brewed using SCD Probiotics technology.
Food-waste is deposited in the digester and then progressively layered with bokashi.  During the process there are no bad odours, no fly infestation and no roaches.  It’s the cleanest and easiest and cleanest way to manage your food-waste.

If the idea of easily disposing of your kitchen waste – domestic or commercial –  interests you then call Kevin on o83 686 4471 for more information and a costing for your application.  You may be surprised at how little it costs and you may even end up saving a lot of money in the process.