Tag Archives: Atmosphere

Do You Make Your Own Garden Mulch

There are a few organic materials that work great as a garden mulch material. Some work better that others though, but sometimes you just have to use what’s available.

As the mulch breaks down over time it will help to nourish the plants but it’s main goal is to shield the soil and to eliminate evaporation into the atmosphere.

A good store bought mulch may also help to stop weeds from starting. However a homemade organic mulch is probable where the weed seeds will come from. But if they are caught early they should be easy to deal with.

Straw is usually used and it is a very good mulch because it is very porous and it allows moisture through easily. It often comes in a compressed bale and it can be broken up to cover a large area.

It’s cheap and it can be used as an undercoating to a more attractive and costly mulch, not to mention that worms just love the stuff.

There different types of straw. Rice straw is one type and is available in the fall months. Often it is weed free and can be used instantly, but it deteriorates very fast.

A better choice is wheat straw. It will last a while and it has a good consistency. Place the wheat straw when it’s dry because when it gets wet from rain water it is very hard to move around.

Alfalfa is a bit more expensive but it does offer a few advantages. It has more nutritional value for the soil plus it also makes an great feed for livestock. It’s also seedless so it will not produce any unwanted plants in your garden area.

The good news is you really do not have to spend any money. Most of what you need is just yard waste.

Fallen leaves can be put to excellent use in your garden bed and make a good garden mulch. They will soften the effects of heavy rain on your soil as well as protect your plants from freezing temperatures in the winter.

When using leaves go over them with a lawn mower, this helps to stop clumping. If the leaves are dry enough just crush them with your hand and spread them around. Leaves are very porous and they will break down fast enriching the soil in the process. Click here for more Free information on garden mulch.

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A Rain Garden Design Creates A Vibrant Atmosphere

A beautiful rain garden design will enhance the pleasure that people feel in their homes. The family room with a big screen television might be a wonderful room, but a rain garden design in the yard will be a very special place. A yard established with this type of design will provide a great place for meeting with friends and family.

A rain garden design in the backyard will be full of life and vibrant color. Your Yard will become the envy of all your friends who will probably want to know how you managed such a beautiful rain garden design. Most rain garden designs are the specialty of dedicated gardeners.

Dedicated gardeners do not go to the nurseries and choose the latest sale item to throw into the backyard. These people think long and hard about a design for their gardens. They are very familiar with the most popular designs, and they decide which of these designs will be best for the space they garden. The rain garden has special characteristics. Many of these dedicated gardeners choose the rain garden design for the special qualities involved.

A Rain Garden Design Makes Great Use Of Natural Resources

A rain garden design is structured to make the best use of natural resources especially water. A rain garden should be good news for those paying the water bill. This bill should be substantially reduced by those with a rain garden for their landscapes.

This type of garden is carefully planned and constructed to capture as much water as possible for use to nourish the plants in the garden. The properly constructed rain garden design should capture water that has run off the roof or gutter of a house.

A properly planned rain garden design should also help to eliminate some of the waste that runs off the soil into fresh water sources. The plants and the soil in this type of garden are carefully planted to keep waste and pollutants from causing the damage that they often do in other gardens. Therefore a rain garden should not be located too close to buildings because this could damage these structures.

These gardens must be carefully placed to capture the water. A rain garden should be placed where the plants will get plenty of sunshine. The sunshine is necessary for the growth of the plants in a rain garden. A beautiful rain garden design will add so much beauty to a home, and those people who would like to establish a garden should look carefully at using this design.

Ann Marier has written articles on garden issues such as bird problems providing helpful tips and advice. Read her latest articles on garden design offering a new insight and ideas