Tag Archives: bird houses

Backyard Bird Habitat: Help Birds Live Naturally

If you enjoy the singing of birds in your backyard you might wish to draw in more birds. They are a sight to see when you have a pair of cardinals, yellow finches, and the robins visit your yard. Let’s see if we can come up with a healthy backyard bird habitat for them and help keep them safe at the same time. It can be a real rewarding experience watching their daily activity and listening to them sing. The best way to get started is to realize that there are only three basic things that they need: food, shelter and water. Just like our needs. When you provide these you will soon have a family of birds nesting in your yard. They will give you many hours of enjoyment and entertainment.

It is best if you provide a variety of food. Birds like to eat insects, but also enjoy feeding on seeds and nuts. You do not have to provide these for them. If they have plenty of trees and other plants available it will naturally provide a food supply. Some of the best are sunflower, cranberry bushes and oak trees. These are just a few suggestions. Different types of bird feeders allow you to provide other seeds that they will enjoy.

Don’t forget that they will need a water supply close by. It is wonderful if you have a natural stream or creek, but not all of us do. Man-made ponds are great too. But most of us rely on bird baths and fountains. Due to predators, always a problem, you will need to position these in an open area so they can be on watch at all time.

Next we need to provide shelter for our birds. Trees and shrubs are the best, but not all of us have them. So it may be up to us to provide bird houses to give them a safe place for nesting. But remember that birds can be territorial and fight others if they are too close. So place these houses far enough apart so they will be able to nest in a relaxed environment. Also not all birds like the same type of house. Place the bird house in the proper place for the bird you hope to attract in this house.

Birding is fun. So let’s make it a good experience by creating the most natural backyard bird habitat possible.

Molly has been writing about birds for over 10 years. Please visit her latest website about backyard birds at Best Bird Feeders, with information about finch bird feeders, as well as many more interesting backyard bird discussions. Check here for free reprint licence: {title}.

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Guides To Obtain A Cool Look For The Garden Or Home

Whenever one thinks of the great outdoors, even if it is only the garden at the back of the property, many will want to furnish it with wonderful little finds to make it appear to be stylish and comfortable. With this in mind, bird houses and water fountains have found their way there and really stand out amongst the trees and shrubs with their beauty and usefulness. Of course, these items come in a myriad of different styles, sizes and suitability. Rustic charms are usually what people go for in the garden and benches and seating alcoves are amongst the most popular buys in many places. The more rustic it looks the better for those who do not want to detract from nature and the general ambience in the garden.

Indeed, any liquid feature that is put into the garden usually attracts birds and small animals since they may not be able to survive without it. What a charming way to ensure that these small animals feel at home in the back garden. Squirrels often compete with flying creatures for food so anyone who wants to keep the balance between the two should ensure that food is left in appropriate places to ensure the health of both.

On the inside of the house, table features used to be for anyone who had money burn. However, with the advent of new materials and clever artisans, the variety of table top features which include candles and liquid have really become very popular. The designs include the more ornate like the hand of Buddha or a rustic mill or even a tinkling little set up complete with a bonsai tree which looks wonderfully natural. Whatever style is preferred there is enough variety to ensure that the purchaser will find one that suits them.

On the patio or deck tinkling wind chimes give off a wonderful sound and an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. These can come in many different styles which will suit the dcor of most spaces, inside and out. A cascade of hearts will suit the romantically inclined while bamboo sticks exude a lovely hollow sound when the breeze picks up. Butterflies, frogs and humming birds are just some of the wonderful designs which come in wind chimes so take a look at what is available before deciding on which one will best suit. Better still, start a collection for a great decorating idea throughout the home and garden.

Finally, whatever is chosen to brighten up the home and its environs, try to have a common theme to pull it all together in a good way. All rustic designs look great particularly if the home happens to be in the rural areas. For sleeker designed homes, try the stone and more modern materials to set off the place perfectly. Even steel and glass look good in modern homes and gardens so have a good look at what is available in the many outlets that are online. Do not forget too that animals do not mind what any structure looks like as long as they have the way in which to get the food etc easily.

Connor R. Sullivan recently bought several bird houses for his daughter’s arts and crafts time. He looked online at water fountains in order to purchase one for his parent’s anniversary. Get a totally unique version of this article from our article submission service

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