Why Should I Build Earthworm Farms
Earthworm farms have lots of benefits. Each year, households get rid of hundreds or even thousands of lbs. of trash. This waste makes its way to where it rots and brings unwanted guests. Making earthworm farms is the greatest thing someone can do for the environment from their own backyard. You can do something to change this, just by having earthworm farms. Instead of throwing your garbage in the city landfill, you can add your organic waste to your vermicompost bin where it will decompose organically and naturally, thanks to your earthworms. This greatly reduces your impact on the environment.
A big benefit to having earthworm farms is the organic product of home composting…compost! Compost is super fertile, nutrient-rich soil that can be used all about your lawn. Compost is the best natural fertilizer and it will ensure your plants grow larger than ever.
What about worm farming for profit? Worm farming for profit is a huge and fast growing industry. There is a ton to learn about worm farming for profit, so read about it!
What Should I Know When It Comes To Worm Farm Setting Up?
There are a few things you need to know about worm farm setting up. You need to know how to set up your vermicomposting bins, where to place your home composting system, and finally how to maintain your earthworm farms.
Building a compost bin is the simplest part to home composting. The most basic form of a vermicompost bin doesn’t have to be anything grander than a plastic container. Fill this with organic bedding, such as fallen leaves and add your earthworms!
What Is The Best Spot For My Earthworm Farms
The best location for your earthworm farms…well it varies. Worms survive best between 40 and 80 degrees F. Depending on what kind of climate you live in, this may require you to bring your vermicompost bin inside during the cold seasons, or even during the hotter seasons. Vermicompost bins should remain moist, so a shady location is preferable to avoid any evaporation.
It might also be best to keep your home composting system inside to keep your earthworms safe from natural predators such as foxes. This is an entirely separate conversation, but just know that it’s a dangerous place out there if you’re an earthworm!
Finally…How Do You Maintain Earthworm Farms?
This is a generally simple process too. Every few months you will need to remove your fresh compost and add new bedding. You need to be careful of your worms when removing the compost from the remaining bedding and your worms.