Tag Archives: computers

Swimming Pool Covers

There are a few different kinds of swimming pool covers. These different sorts are manufactured to do different jobs. There are swimming pool covers that are designed just to keep leaves out; there are covers to keep people and animals out and there are solar heating covers which will warm up your pool and there are combination covers that will heat your pool and keep people and animals out of it.

All of these types of covers are made for but both above and below ground pools. They also come in a multiplicity of sizes and colours or you can have one made to measure.

The first demands of any pool cover are that it fits and that it is sturdy. If it does not fit, it is dangerous, because if anyone or an animal falls under the cover, he will drown in a panic of not being able to find the ‘hole’ again – especially at night or in very cold water. The shock would knock the air right out of you.

After fitting well, it must be strong. Ideally it should be robust enough to bear a person’s weight, just in case someone walks out onto it by mistake in the dark. However, it needs to be sturdy anyway, because of all the folding and unfolding it will get.

Another tip is to make sure that your swimming pool cover complies with any local by-laws. Such laws are not applicable everywhere, so it is a good safeguard to check with your local police force before you spend money on a pool cover to see what you have to have. If you use a cover that does not conform with the local regulations and there is an accident, you will probably not be covered by your insurance policy, which could work out very costly for you.

All good pool covers come with a guarantee of some kind. Two years is the standard, but try to get a cover with a five year guarantee . Pool covers are not cheap and you do not want to be replacing it every couple of years. Try to ensure that the guarantee covers everything that can go wrong with the cover; tears, slits, cracking, perishing, torn eyelets, etc.. Look for a firm with a solid local reputation, one that will not avoid its responsibilities, if you need them.

If you are purchasing your swimming pool cover from a shop in order to fit it yourself, look at the manual carefully and make sure that all the bits and pieces are there. You do not want to have to go back because straps or anchors are not there. If it is within your resources, it is better to have the shop fit the cover the first time, so that you can see how to do it and make sure that nothing is missing.

These days, you absolutely must have a swimming pool cover for the sake of your kids and others who may attempt to use your pool while you are away. If you can lock the swimming pool cover down, then so much the better.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with recliner slip covers. If you are interested in a black recliner or any other type, please click through to our site.

Free Computer System Security Measures

Today, more and more people are using their computers for everything from communication to online banking and investing to searching. As we do these things on a more frequent basis, we open ourselves to prospective hackers, attackers and crackers.

While some may be hoping to phish your personal information and identity for resale, others intend to use your computer as a platform from which to attack other unknowing victims. Below are a few simple, cost-effective measures you can take to make your computer more secure.

1. Always make backups of important information and store it in a secure location away from your computer.

2. Update and patch your operating system, web browser and software frequently. If you have a Windows operating system, start by going to windowsupdate.microsoft.com and running the update wizard. This program will help you find the latest patches for your Windows operating system. Also go to officeupdate.microsoft.com to locate possible patches for your Microsoft Office programs.

3. Install a firewall. Without a good firewall, viruses, worms, Trojans, malware and adware can all access your computer from the Internet easily. Consideration should be given to the advantages and differences between hardware and software based firewall programs.

4. Check your browser and email settings for maximum security. Why should you do this? Active-X and JavaScript are often used by hackers to plant malevolent programs into your computer. While cookies are relatively harmless in terms of security concerns, they can still track your activities on the Internet to build a profile of you. As a minimum precaution, set your security setting for the ?Internet zone? to High, and your ?trusted sites zone? to Medium Low.

5. Install antivirus software and set for automatic updates so that you receive the most current virus files.

6. Do not open unidentified email attachments. It is simply not sufficient that you may know the address from which it originates because many viruses can be spread from a familiar address.

7. Do not run software from unknown sources. What is more, do not send these kinds of programs to friends and coworkers because they contain funny or amusing stories or jokes. They may contain a Trojan horse just waiting to infect a computer.

8. Disable hidden filename extensions. By default, the Windows operating system is set to ?hide file extensions for known file types?. Disable this preference so that file extensions show in Windows. Some file extensions will, by default, continue to remain hidden, but you are more likely to see any unusual file extensions that do not belong.

9. Turn off your computer and disconnect from the network when not using the computer. A hacker can not attack your computer if you are disconnected from the network or the computer is off.

10. Make a boot disk on a floppy disk or CD in case your computer is damaged or infected by a malevolent program. Obviously, you need to take this precaution before you experience a hostile violation of your system security.

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