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Propagating Butterfly Bush from root cuttings

Propagating Butterfly Bush from root cuttings.

The first step for how to root cuttings from the butterfly bush is to select a stem for cutting. In early Fall, choose a stem for butterfly bush propagation that is at least 6 inches long, and is new growth cut the flower off. A new growth stem will be a lighter green than old growth. Also be aware that if you live in a colder climate where the butterfly bush dies back to the ground, the whole shrub may be new growth.

Once you have selected a stem to propagate the butterfly bush, take a sharp pair of shears and cut the stem off just below a leaf node. A leaf node is where a set of leaves will be growing. The butterfly bush cutting should be at least 4 inches long and should contain at least one additional set of leaves above the selected leaf node. Snip the cutting from the stem.

Next, strip all but the top most set of leaves from the cutting. The cutting should have only two leaves left, dip the end of the cutting in rooting hormone. Rooting hormone will increase the chances of successfully propagating butterfly bush, place the cutting into damp potting soil. Place the pot in a sheltered location out of direct sunlight. Check the butterfly bush cutting every few days to make sure the soil is still damp. In about 2-4 weeks, the cutting will be rooted and your butterfly bush propagation will be complete. That is all you need to know about how to propagate butterfly bushes. With a little effort and care, you can start propagating butterfly bushes for your yard or for friends and family.

Buddleia davidii, Butterfly Bush

The Buddleia plant is a genus of flowering plants and there are up to one hundred species on record. Most of these are shrubs with only a few being trees. Because the tree varieties can grow to over 30 feet, it is the shrub varieties that are more suitable for the average sized garden. Butterfly bushes (Buddleia davidii) have a prime place in butterfly gardens, and are particularly adept at attracting tiger swallowtails. But they also attract hummingbirds, making them must-haves for hummingbird gardens, too. And don’t forget the bees: butterfly bushes will also attract the bees that will pollinate other plants in your garden.

Buddleia davidii produces woody stems, it behaves like a perennial and dies back close to the ground. And just like a perennial, it makes no difference to the plant. Simply cut back the dead stems in early spring, stand back and watch the plant explode with growth. Buddleia blooms on new wood, so its floral display is not diminished by its dieback behavior. In fact cutting Buddleia back benefits the blooming and overall plant habit. Even in the south where its wood remains alive, an annual spring whacking makes for a nicer plant, blooms from midsummer until frost.

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