Courtyard garden bench
After a long hard day – actually even after an easy day – plonking down on a comfortable garden bench with a couple of mates for company and a favourite brew at hand, is a relaxing and pleasant way to wind down.
Garden benches come in many designs and materials and about my only advice is to first choose one that is comfortable. There’s nothing quite as irritating as a bench that bites after a few minutes. And there are plenty of designs to choose from.
Then pick a bench that is durable and strong. The last thing you want to to have your seat collapse because a bolt has failed or a joint has rotted through.
Make sure the bench is heavy to move so that wandering nocturnal shoppers are discouraged from carrying it away.
Make sure the environment around the bench is attractive, user-friendly and comfortable. No thorny bushes, firm footing or decking, easy access to replenish stocks of favourite brew and a bit of light if you like sitting there after sundown. At this time of year a citronella candle to keep the mozzies away is also a good idea.
To beautify your home and enhance your landscape, why not decorate with a display of garden ornaments? Embellishing your outdoor space doesn’t have to be a large expense or take hours of labor to accomplish. A garden fountain, wind chime, garden stake or birdhouse is a perfect adornment for any yard scape. These garden ornaments can be bought very reasonable and won’t take much effort to place them in your outdoor space.
Picture walking through your backdoor into your garden area looking down a path. You see a birdhouse with a feathered family peeping from inside the hole. Beyond that you hear the trickling sound of water flowing over on a garden fountain. As you stroll on a little farther you see a garden statue rising above your beautiful flowers. There might be a slumbering gnome statue or an angelic cherub to promote peace, love and innocence. A bouncy butterfly garden stake or colorful wind spinner is leading the way, as you follow stepping stones heading for the garden bench that awaits you at the end.. You hear the sound of wind chimes tingling in the gentle breeze. All of these ardornments set your mind at ease and gives you a feel of satisfaction and contentment knowing you have created this peaceful setting. As mentioned, these ornaments need not cost a lot. Ornaments can be found in any price range and often are the more reasonably priced than the foliage planted in the garden. When shopping for your garden ornaments be sure to have an idea of how much you want to spend. This will give you the parameters on style, size and materials of the garden ornaments. And don’t be afraid to make a “wish list” for future items that may be a little out of your financial reach presently. To browse a selection of reasonably priced garden ornaments of all styles, please visit us at
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