Tag Archives: green design

Knowing The Choices In The Los Angeles Landscape

For many decades the innovation and beauty of the Los Angeles landscape has captivated the world. It is at the forefront of design just as New York is with fashion and San Francisco is in the culinary world. It is California’s largest city and the second largest in the United States.

Outdoor living is very popular in the Los Angeles area as well as throughout California in general. The weather lends itself well to being appreciated out of doors many days per year. This trend has opened up the need for outdoor kitchens as well as outdoor living rooms.

Water is the most important element of the landscape plan here. Whether you are working with an abundance of it or wanting to conserve it, water will always play a role in the design. Swimming pools are beloved backyard staples here, however, what’s new is they are increasingly filled with salt water for their sustainability and health benefits.

Ponds with or without koi are very common in this area. Enough can’t be said about the amount and importance of fountains. They are in the yards, at the malls and on street corners and intersections. Waterfalls are also well loved for their calming sounds and oneness with nature they allow.

The gardens of Los Angeles are bright, colorful and tropical. Beauty flowering plants and trees can be seen where ever you look. Very popular plants are dahlia, fuchsia, and tropical palms and plants. Terraces are a common feature in the garden with sitting areas suitable for reading.

Water conservation and drought conditions are major considering factors here due to the climate. In return, drought resistant gardens and landscapes have become a staple that will not be going away anytime soon. There are well used plants for these conditions that add beauty such as deer grass and lilac verbena.

Rock gardens are also very common due to the climate. They can be as small as pebbles or as large as boulders that need special equipment to bring into the yard. They are easy to maintain and they obviously would be a very water conscious choice.

A final feature you will not want to miss is the openness of the spaces with the ability to retract entire ceilings and walls when the weather is nice. That is truly bringing the indoors out in a functional and literal sense. Nothing says the great outdoors then opening the wall with a touch of a button and being a part of it.

The Los Angeles Landscape is home to quite a variety of fashionable trends. There can be some inspiration here that anyone can imitate where ever they live and get a sense of the L. A. Spirit. See what works for you and give it a try.

When you have a climate that encourages outdoor living spaces, landscape design is particularly important to homeowners. Los Angeles landscape professionals have the experience and expertise to make your lawn and patio attractive and functional.