Tag Archives: herbal garden

What are Herbs?

Herb Garden
Image by elfsternberg via Flickr

A plant that has a non-woody stem by true scientific definition is called an herb. Most herbs are annuals, which means that you have to replant them each year. The plant or its extracts have been used for alternative medicine. Any part of the plant, like the roots, berries, leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, and so on which offer healing or nourishment to the human body can be used. Very important Micro nutrients are contained in herbs.

The herb offers the body the essential nutrients along with trace elements and many minerals to keep the body in balance. This aids in overall health. Herbs can even be more helpful in this area as more information becomes available.

Growing your herbs is special because you use what you grow. To use the full benefit that nature has to offer try-growing herbs organically. Growing your own herbs is very simple. Herb gardens were used for health and medicinal purposes even in ancient cultures. Yes, even these cultures grew herb gardens.

Two such cultures were the Romans and Egyptians. A number of their records for herbal remedies have been found. As history goes, herbs for health in this country are a fairly recent discovery. When used for medicinal purposes, herbs take longer to react but are easier and safer on the body.

The more the various herbs are discovered in even remote areas of the world the more we learn about these herbs. Ancient writings are still being found today too that point to how these herbs were used in the past and how we should use them today.

They are a much softer remedy for what ails you compared to stronger, harsher medicines. These herbs are also a very effective way to nourish your body. We are finding out more and more what bad effects strong chemicals have on the human body. As we discover this more of us than ever are turning to herbs.

Many times you can use the herbs along with your medication, until your system becomes repaired enough, to go off totally of the drugs you have been taking. You should never go off a medication without checking with your doctor first though. There could be special instructions on how to go off the medication.

Also before just arbitrarily starting to use herbs, you need to talk to a professional on how much of what to take. Herbs taken in wrong quantities could lead to problems. Just because they are natural it does not mean you need to know what you are doing with them. They must be used correctly if you want the desired results.

Herbs are nature’s medicine and when used correctly cure what ails us. Another benefit is the added nutrients to our meals. If you have any interest on how herbs can help you, investigate this subject a little further. Maybe with a little luck and research you might not have to depend on harsh medicines to solve your ills.

Learn more about Herbal Gardening. Stop by Jefferson Haynesworth’s site where you can find out all about Fresh Herb Gardening and what it can do for you.

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Herbal And Organic Gardening: Useful Tips For Beginners

It can seem daunting to begin with an organic vegetable or herbal garden for the first time, but there are few better ways to be good to the planet while also being good to yourself and enjoying yourself.

Organically grown vegetables and herbs are safer, healthier and also taste better than those grown with the help of chemical products, plus you can save get for free what would cost you at the grocer’s.

Te first thing that you should do, as it will take a little while for this to be ready, is to separate your kitchen waste from the rest and build a compost heap. This can also be done indoors. Compost will prove a great boon as it is the best natural fertilizer for an organic garden and its vegetables and herbs.

Your home-made compost will also fulfill a secondary purpose: it will help your organic garden to retain moisture, and as a result you will need to water your edible plants less often. Put all your kitchen waste and also any garden cuttings you may have onto the compost heap, but avoid great quantity of fish and meat remains.

You’ll also need to source organic seeds or sprouts for your organic vegetable and herbal gardening project. In most cases, commercial seeds are not organic so you will have to make doubly sure to get the right starters.

There probably are specialized shops that sell organic seeds for gardening in your area, but you can also buy them through an online shop and have them mailed to you. Online is probably better for most users, as you get the convenience of choosing from home from a bigger catalogue, and as for all mailed products you can return organic gardening supplies if they are not up to your expectation.

To begin seeding, don’t start your organic garden outdoors right away! Use a glasshouse or put your seeds inside the house, where it’s warm. Let them sprout on a piece of damp cotton or paper and then transfer them to small pots and let them grow a bit.

Once there are two little leaflets on your seedlings, put them into bigger containers. The best are pots made of plant material, as you can plant these straight into soil and let them biodegrade. If you are planting organic herbs, you can put them outside or in window pots next to your kitchen.

Next, think about your soil needs for the organic garden. You will need several bags of organic soil, depending on the size of your herb and vegetable plot. Good organic soil will result in fewer bugs and mites, and will make your plants healthier. Substitute old soil with a new batch, if necessary.

Fill your windowsill pots with organic soil, or put a layer of at least six centimeters in your outdoors organic garden as topsoil. Ass compost and you will be on the right track to grow delicious and healthy organic herbs and vegetables.

Check out OrganicHerbalGardening.com for comprehensive resources on how to organize your herbal garden. Click on a link to find all the information that you may want about organic gardening at your fingertips.

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