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Essential Parts Of Chicken Pen Strategies – What To Consider When Developing A Do It Yourself House

There are numerous things to consider before starting and it is significant that you take time in the planning stage to pick the sort of chicken pen which is appropriate, based totally on the quantity of hens you will be keeping and your garden.

As a rule of thumb, each hen should be allowed 3-5 square feet of space in the nesting area and up to 15 sq. feet each in the run. Glaringly, the outside space required is considered flexible as it is partially reliant upon whether or not they are able to free-range. In addition, you should ensure that the pen is at least 3 feet high as though hens don’t fly, they like to leap and flap.

You must make sure that any plans you choose to use pay attention to the indisputable fact that you want easy access for both cleaning out your hens and for picking up the eggs. Have a good look at the plans-do you have the option of having a door on the external part of the run? Are the door openings sufficiently big to see within and to simply clear out the waste?

Check the plans through to satisfy yourself that significance has been given to protection from predators. When building a DIY coop, you should be using materials which are fox and raccoon resistant, such as heavy gauge mesh. In addition, the construction should be robust-do not consider plans which seem to stint on screw points or at joints.

Ventilation is a crucial consideration. Ensure that any plans you use include provision for ventilation holes as failure to do that may lead to a damaging build-up of gases from the hen’s waste products, which can ultimately harm or maybe kill the hens. You must ideally have ventilation holes near the pop hole, which is normally in the run, and at the back of the pen. As the back is usually exposed, these holes can be meshed for additional safety.

Another essential part to look for in chicken pen plans is the provision of a nesting box and you need to ensure that there’s acceptable space in the nesting area to accommodate this. You’ll only need one box for each 4-5 birds and extremely simple solutions are often the best. Some people will use an appropriate sized card box as a nesting box and change it weekly rather than having to clean it out. Another option is to utilize a plastic pussy-cat litter tray which can sometimes be hygienically cleaned.

Better resources on building chicken coop at Build Chicken Coops Now and How to Build a Chicken House