As you know, there are many different types, varieties and species of bonsai trees. One of the most beautiful bonsai varieties is the juniper bonsai tree. Juniper can be found in all corners of the world. It would surprise you to realise how many times you’ve actually seen one in your neighbourhood without even realizing it.
There are different varieties of juniper trees but two are probably the most popular types.
The first type is known as flaky. The flaky bonsai tree is small and will rarely reach over 30 feet high. As bonsai trees grow in the wild, they do tend to be much bigger than what you see at homes and private gardens. The leaves on the flaky plant are broad needles and take on a blue-green hue. This type is native to China and the Himalayas but can be found all the way from Afghanistan to southwest China.
Another very popular variety of bonsai would be the Eastern. This bonsai tree is known for it’s dense foliage that refuses to grow when planted in poor soil. While it is possible for this tree to grow in poor soil, it will end up being little more than a small bush. When grown in good soil, this tree climb all the way up to 15 feet tall. Soil is one of the most important considerations when growing a bonsai tree, especially with watering (above). The soil needs to be well drained, and suitable for your area; in any case, it should be coarse. There are many different mediums relating to soil and content, and bonsai experts (or seasoned veterans) can provide information about using the different types of material together. Because of the different types of material, your “soil” might be anything but soil. This is why fertilizer knowledge is important. This bonsai type is native to North America, and can be found in mostly south-eastern Canada to all the way down by the Gulf of Mexico.
The Eastern variety has dark red bark that will strip off in neat, narrow strips and two different types of leaves. The first types is adult leaf, which look much more like scales and are less than half an inch long. The second type of leaves are the sharp and spreading needles that are usually around half an inch long.
Once you start to make your way to the western half of the continent, the Eastern juniper bonsai tree gets replaced with the Rocky Mountain juniper bonsai tree or the Ashe juniper bonsai tree. The Eastern juniper bonsai tree were actually placed on the IUCN’s list of threatened species back in 1996. While it only holds the category of Least concern (LR/lc), it still is a species of tree that is being watched for future decrease and need for repopulation within the United States and Canada.