Tag Archives: Layout

Vegetable Garden Layout: Planning Season

A small vegetable garden in May outside of Aus...
Image via Wikipedia

It does say planning season not planting, the reason being that planning is as vital to producing a crop as actually planting the seeds. A lack of planning will result in a lack of rewards.

As we will be reading this article from the four corners of the globe I cannot say it is now or next week that we plan our planting this will of course depend on your location and season. So we must remember to plan some weeks prior to planting as a rule.

We may have tried some planting already which did not work well and this in itself will have taught us a few things about our garden. If it did work well we have something to build on if not more planning is required.

However now is the time to be at the kitchen table with a piece of paper and the mighty pen? Proper planning is critical to ensuring a good healthy crop and it is usually too late once the seeds are in the ground. We must get it right and decide what to plant never mind doing the actual planting.

Use the plan to make sure our Vegetable garden layout is successful that all crops are good or each other and not likely to work against one another. It will eliminate many problems before they exist.

Planning will help us get the right crops in the right area of the vegetable garden layout for drainage for shade etc, put those that need the most water nearest the water source etc and those that need the most light in the area most likely to get all day sun.

Some aspects of planning take time to sort out, for example frost protection. If we intend to make do with just a layer of compost we still have to make sure we make all the arrangement to make the compost. If we need heavy duty protection such as cold frames these have to be sized and built to be ready at the earliest possible time at which the frost may come. No good if we put them down after the frost is in the ground.

The vegetable garden layout plan is critical we all want to be out there toiling the land and helping our crops to grow, it is the fresh air and sense of achievement we want not sitting planning but proper planning will ensure a good crop and a good feeling of achievement. We don’t all have great amounts of time to spend in our garden so planning our vegetable garden layout will help ensure we don’t waste time redoing things we should have planned for.


Looking to find the best ideas on Vegetable Garden Layout, then visit www.evegetablegardenlayout.com to find the best advice on Small Garden Design for you.

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