Tag Archives: lifestyle

Herb Garden Designs To Suit Your Lifestyle

When creating the best herb garden designs, your lifestyle needs to be taken into consideration. Your herb garden can be designed to be aesthetic or accessible. This all depends on what you want to use your garden for. Before creating a design, you should really decide exactly what you want to do in your garden. This will help you to decide about pathways, edgings, density and even the herbs itself. The best part about planning an herb garden is you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor very quickly after you plant.

Those who do a lot of entertaining want herb garden designs they can walk guests through. This means creating a path your guests can walk along. The path you choose should not be one that is paved. The most you will want to use is large stones, or cobblestones. This will prevent runoff from rains flooding your garden. Obviously this will help you when you are tending to your garden as well. You may even want to put a bench in the middle of the garden. This will allow you to sit and enjoy the sights and smells of your garden.

Those who do a lot of cooking will want herb garden designs that will help them grow the herbs they use most often. When plotting out where you will plant your herbs, think about which ones you use the most and the speed at which they grow. Keep in mind that mint and chives are invasive plants. These should be contained either by walls or dividers. This will help to prevent the rest of your garden from being overrun. You may want to consider ripping out mint and chives after a few years in order to be able to control them. Planting tomatoes next to basil and thyme will flavor the fruit with the herb.

If you are into aromatherapy, you may want to plant mostly lavender or chamomile. Many people who commit to gardening are looking for ways to relax. These herbs have a very calming value for those who breathe their perfume. Keep in mind lavender spreads very easily as a perennial. It will keep growing year after year which is good. If not contained, it will choke out other plants in your garden; it is a good idea to separate with walls or pathways. Lavender has been known to spread even yards away from where it is growing through the wind. You may want to use netting to prevent this.

Those who have a very small garden need to focus when it comes to herb garden designs. It is understandable to want to plant as many herbs as possible in your small plot. Try to be reasonable in what you plant. There are many problems your plants can run into when they are crowded. When excess moisture from soil cannot evaporate, it tends to mildew. This can infect your plants and kill them. There is also the risk of preventing water and air from getting to the soil or other plants. Your plants will literally choke the others to death. Try to only plant those you want the most. This decision process can be difficult, but it is important. You will also want to avoid any plants, which are considered to be invasive such as lavender, mint, or chives when first start herb gardening.

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Lifestyle Learning Direct?s Garden Design and Landscaping Tips and Tricks

Tips for good garden design and landscaping

Good creative skills are essential for the specialised fields of garden design and landscaping. Consequently, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the industry and be able to apply acquired skills in a theoretical and practical manner. Lifestyle Learning Direct, one of the Gold Coast’s premier online learning and correspondence course providers, suggests that in order to be a good garden designer or landscaper you need to be able to:

Evaluate a design project, have a clear understanding of a designer’s role, and be able to conduct a meeting with a client.

Be knowledgeable about the historical influences on modern garden design.

Be able to identify the various ‘hard’ components of landscaping and design, such as garden structures and walls, fences and gates.

Have a good general knowledge about soils and plants, and other landscaping products such as compost, gravel, sleepers, pavers, cement, sand, rock and slate, and so on.

Be familiar with the pricing structure of various landscaping supplies.

Have had practical experience in several areas of landscape design and its allied industries, such as nurseries and landscaping supply yards.

Have an awareness of different styles of gardens, as well as lighting and water features and the various types of surfacing materials available for use in garden design.

Be knowledgeable about earthworks involved in landscaping and design.

Have a broad knowledge on the basics of starting a business, business plans, market analysis and ongoing management.

How can you become a better Garden Designer and Landscaper?

To gain professional garden design and landscaping proficiency, it is best to undertake a specialised course that teaches you the essential skills. Lifestyle Learning Direct. is a leader in the provision of writing distance education courses that aim to give students a broad understanding of the industry competency regarding both the theoretical and practical application of this knowledge.

Apart from understanding the application of good garden design ideas and landscaping elements and principles, you need to be conversant with other necessary components such as earthworks, marking out and job costing, as well as basic drawing skills and client/designer communication. As a result, you should develop the ability to apply this knowledge in a broad variety of situations, as well as recognise and correct all manner of design errors.

If you dream of being your own boss, as well as the theory of garden design and landscaping you also need to know the practical aspects of how to set up in business.

For more information in relation to fashion design and dressmaking, please contact Lifestyle Learning Direct.

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