Tag Archives: Los Angeles Landscaping

Tree Trimming Basics for the Home Owner

Did you know that improper pruning kills or severely damages more trees each year than pest infestations? In other words, it is better to not prune at all than to do it the wrong way. The following are some basic techniques to remember the next time you are sprucing up your landscaping.

In most cases, technique is more important than timing. Most tree species can be pruned any time of year. However, there are certain times that are more ideal than others for each variety. Deciduous varieties should be pruned according to their blooming schedule. Those that bloom before May should be trimmed as soon as flowering is over. Pruning between January and March is best for trees that flower after May. Evergreens that don’t bear cones should be pruned in May, but wait until the fall for trimming conifers.

There are, of course, trees that are exceptions to these rules. Some types of trees are especially vulnerable to insect infestations, so should be pruned during winter months when insects are at a minimum. Should you have any questions, conduct an Internet search, or consult with a professional landscaper for expert advice.

When preparing for tree trimming, look for dead branches, sprouts growing from the base of trunks and branches that rub or cross. These problems should be eliminated first. Always make cuts as close to the main branch or trunk as possible – but without cutting into the main branch or trunk. Each cut should be made at a 45 degree angle.

After these issues are resolved, you can then prune for aesthetics. This means shaping trees to make them more visually appealing or better suited for your area. U-shaped connection points at branches are stronger than V-shaped ones, so opt for trimming the V-shapes. Any branch that is too large to hold with one hand should be cut in stages to avoid damaging the bark on the tree.

You should never prune trees that are around power lines. Doing so could result in severe injury or even death, should branches fall upon the live wires. Be sure to wear some type of harness when scaling large trees as a safety measure against falls. Using sharp pruning tools will not only increase the effectiveness of your cuts, but will also safeguard against unnecessary damage to the trees.

It may prove difficult, if not impossible, for most people to prune large trees in a safe manner without causing injury to themselves, someone else or nearby property. In addition, many people are concerned about harming their trees through inadvertently trimming them incorrectly. In these cases, a landscape service or tree-trimming professional will be able to make certain the job is done right.

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Stephen Daniels is an acclaimed SEO 2.0 researcher of practices, products, and services for a variety of industries. He highly recommends the services of the Los Angeles landscape contractors at Four Seasons Landscaping, bringing over 20 years in the field.

Is it Necessary to Hire a Specialist to Remove a Tree?

Lush mature trees are a beautiful addition to any yard, but sometimes they become damaged or diseased, creating a hazard that can cause damage to your property or that of your neighbor’s. While often planted with a vision in mind, these specimens often grow to sizes where they may become an obstruction that must be removed. Though it may be tempting to simply cut down the offending tree yourself, the potential damage you could cause as well as the possibility of injuring yourself or others makes it well worth the money to hire a specialist.

Branches are heavy and must be removed prior to cutting down the dead or diseased plant. For higher branches, it is often necessary to use a truck with a lift to safely reach and remove them. Most often, removing a large tree safely will require a team effort. Experienced specialists can determine the best and safest method for your specific situation.

Licensed professionals should be fully insured and bonded. This means that if your property or that of a neighbor’s suffers damage as a result of a tree removal, their insurance will cover repair costs. Should you tackle this project yourself and cause damage in the process, your homeowner’s insurance may not cover it — leaving you with a costly repair bill.

While in many cases a tree must be completely removed, frequently if problems are caught early enough, your prized landscape centerpiece can be treated and saved. A professional arborist can assess the problem and hopefully suggest some options. Together, you can evaluate the pros and cons of each option. If you’re sure that cutting the tree down must be done, most experienced landscapers specialize in this service as well.

Arborist, also known as tree doctors are true experts. They are trained in diagnosing any problems, spotting where potential problems could arise and helping you solve those issues before they become a big problem. They are trained in pruning and other types of regular maintenance and care. Without regular care, some landscape specimens can become internally weakened, making branches more ready to fall and cause damage during a storm. Regular care can prevent some of the problems that would leave your tree susceptible to insect or mold infestations or other diseases.

Hiring a licensed removal specialist, be it a landscape company or an arborist, may not be free, but it can potentially save you money in repairs later. While landscapers may or may not possess the same know-how to diagnose complicated problems that arborists possess, most landscapers offer professional removal at prices that are often lower than that of arborists.

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If you are looking for a Los Angeles landscaper to maintain your trees, look no further than Four Seasons Landscaping. Since 1986, Four Seasons’ highly trained professionals have worked to ensure safe and effective tree trimming and removal throughout the state of California. Distributed by SEO 2.0 Services