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Everything You Should Know About Making Earthworm Farms At Home

Why Should I Build Earthworm Farms

Earthworm farms have many benefits. Every year, households get rid of hundreds or even thousands of pounds of things that can be disposed of in your on yard. This garbage ends up in city garbage dumps where it decays and attracts unwanted scavengers. Home composting is the best thing someone can do for the environment from their own home. You can do something to change this, just by having earthworm farms. Instead of disposing of your garbage in the city dump, you can add your organic waste to your vermicompost bin where it will decompose organically and naturally, thanks to your earthworms. This immensely reduces your carbon footprint.

A big benefit to having earthworm farms is the natural product of home composting…compost! Compost is super fertile, nutrient-rich soil that can be used all around your lawn. Compost is the best natural fertilizer and it will make your plants grow larger than ever.

What about worm farming for profit? Worm farming for profit is a big and quickly growing industry. There is a bunch to learn about worm farming for profit, so take a look!

What Do I Need To Know About Worm Farm Setting Up?

There are a few things you need to know about worm farm setting up. You need to know how to set up your vermicomposting bins, where to house your home composting system, and finally how to maintain your earthworm farms.

Building a compost bin is the easiest part of home composting. The simplest form of a vermicompost bin doesn’t have to be anything fancier than a plastic box. Fill this with organic bedding, such as torn newspaper and add your earthworms!

What Is The Best Spot For My Earthworm Farms

The best location for your earthworm farms…well it varies. Worms survive best between 40 to 80 degrees F. Depending on what kind of climate you live in, this may require you to bring your vermicompost bin inside during the cold months, or even during the hot seasons. Vermicompost bins need to remain wet, so a shady place is preferred in order to prevent any evaporation.

It might also be beneficial to keep your home composting system indoors to keep your earthworms safe from natural predators such as ants. This is an entirely different conversation, but just know that it’s a dangerous place out there if you’re an earthworm!

To Finish…How Do You Maintain Earthworm Farms?

This is a fairly simple process too. Every 2-3 months you will have to remove your new compost and replace it with new bedding. You need to be careful of your worms when removing the compost from the remaining bedding and your worms.

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Tips For Making Garden Tools Last a Lifetime

The best gardeners keep and maintain their gardening tools with great care. One of the least talked about secrets to a fulfilling garden are the tools needed to foster a healthy and beautiful garden. The following are a few tips for keeping your valuable garden tools damage free and working in your garden for many, many years.

Garden Hoses and Hose Reels

The garden hose is one of the most valuable and most used tools in the yard and garden. The serious gardener will own a sturdy and flexible garden hose – one that can be would up after use on a garden hose reel. To prevent cracking, the garden hose should be drained in the fall, wound on the reel and stored inside during the winter.

Shears, Blades and Cutting Tools

Every gardener needs the proper tools to cut and trim plants, bushes and flowers. Plan on thoroughly cleaning your electric cutting tools at least every season, preferably twice per year. All hand held shears and cutting tools should be well lubricated to prevent rust – an element that can be the mortal enemy of garden tools. Store garden equipment on hooks away from direct sunlight and the elements. It may not be necessary to store them inside during the winter, but be certain that they stay dry and away from children when not being used.

Hoes, Shovels and Rakes

These types of tools are bulkier and harder to store than simple hand tools or hoses. After each use, spray each tool with a high pressure hose to remove dirt, then dry them and store them upright onto hooks. Most tools made within the last few years are made of a carbon coating or stainless steel and should not rust easily. A light coat of oil in the fall however will keep these metal tools free from rust for many years.

Tool Shed

Many home improvement stores now sell ready-made sheds for storing manual and electric garden tools. It is a good idea to store all of your tools in the same dry place, and these types of sheds fit the bill perfectly. The most important aspect of the shed is simply keeping it organized. There is nothing worse than opening a shed in the spring, only to have tools falling every which way due to lack of organization and proper planning.  Instead, organize tools by size and by function. This simple tip will save you alot of frustration.  It will also save you time and money since you won’t be replacing broken tools frequently.

A good collection of garden and yard tools can be an expensive proposition. With a little care and forethought, you should be able to maintain your garden tools for a lifetime of use.

For more information on garden hoses, garden hose reels and gardening in general, visit http://www.garden-hose-guide.com