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The Suspicions Of Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy can spread more quickly than expected. In fact, during your typical walk in the woods you may unfortunately walk back with a new devastating disease. This will only occur when you do not know to expect of poison ivy.

The most likely way that a person will infect themselves with the plant is simply by touching it or walking by it. However, it can also be contracted through over forms that many people do not no realize. By simply touching a piece of clothing that has come in contact with the plant is enough for it to spread over your entire body.

This is an extremely rare way in which a person can catch the harmful affects of poison ivy. If wood is burning that contains pieces of the harmful substance than its poison is released into the smoke. This can be a very dangerous form of poison ivy, so much so that it can send its receiver to the hospital.

Immunity to the disease is also a possibility in a few select people. However, this is a very rare possibility. Also, if a person is immune to poison ivy they run the risk of growing out of it. For this reason everyone should be as equally cautious of the plant.

The disease initially occurs in once location. However, it can spread rather quickly. When this occurs it can be frighteningly scary and hard to painful at times. You should be careful so as not to touch the infected location so that you do not spread it across the entirety of your body.

The most common problem that people encounter is the need to shower upon initial contact to the plant. However, this is the thing that you need to avoid the most. This is the thing that you need to avoid the most because the warm water in the shower opens all the pores across your body. However, since the the harmful poison ivy contains its dangerous oils they can now seep into the body. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to rub alcohol across the surface of the infected area. This technique only has a six hour window in which it is effective. After this six hour window has passed the harmful oils have already soaked into the pours in the skin and are no longer susceptible to disinfecting.

Mild cases of poison ivy can end in just one week. However, the more intense cases can take up to three weeks to completely go away. This can be a very long time to wait when you are having sincere pain due to itching. Prescription medication can help to make the rash go away more quickly than over the counter medication. This type of medication also can help ease the pain more quickly.

You will always want to avoid poison ivy whenever possible. However, in the case in which contact does occur you will want to be sure you know exactly what to do. Also, you will want to know exactly what not to do so that you can make it go away as fast as possible.

Find the best treatment for poison ivy by seeking it out online. There are several ways that you can kill poison ivy and end the itching. Go online today and learn more.

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Tips To Spy Poison Ivy

Many people get into trouble with poison ivy because they do not know what it looks like or how to treat it. It is not actually ivy, which is where some get confused. It is a type of vine that is very woody and grows low to the ground. Any contact with it, no matter how brief, will probably cause a rash. Some people are naturally immune to the effects of the compound it produces that irritates skin, but most are not.

It grows in Canada, the United States, and Mexico and is almost unheard of anywhere more to the south or east. The woods are the most usual local for the plant, especially near the edges of forests where sunlight is more prominent. That said, do not be surprised to see it in meadows, on lawns, or even in rocky terrain. It really grows almost anywhere which is why it is so tricky. Any amount of sunlight and water in the soil is good enough for the plant.

You should learn to recognize this plant if you intend on spending any time outside. It looks completely innocuous, so you may never know you are standing right in it. The leaves are really three leaflets in a bunch. They are almond shaped and do not have teeth. The color ranges from light green to dark green in spring and summer and then it turns reddish in the fall.

Each bundle comes in an alternating pattern on the vine. You may note that the leaves are slightly shiny, which is the substance the plant makes which gives you such discomfort if you come in to contact with it. It is also a plant that produces a fruit, which many people do not realize. There is often a small gray or white berry on the plant.

A great way to tell if a plant you see is safe or not is to look at the stem or vine. These vines have reddish hair like protrusions the whole length. Often you may not notice them because they climb up trees and you could think it is part of the bark. All tree climbers should be aware. One might also notice that the leaves themselves will have a single notch on one side which makes it look like a mitten.

Do your research. There are tons of other tips to help you identify the plants. Many rhymes are taught to children for easy memorization. One interesting tip is that butterflies are often drawn to the plant and have no reaction to the itchy substance. If you see a butterfly land on a plant you may worry is poison ivy, stay away from it.

Now that you understand all about the looks of ivy, you should learn how to treat the rash if you accidentally stumble across some. It is an experience most people will go through at least once in their lives, given how commonly it grows in the summer. If you experience anything more than a rash, go to the hospital. Severe allergies could shut down your respiratory system or cause black outs.

Do not scratch at all and keep your hands washed. If you got it on your hands, do not touch any unaffected part of your body because you can spread the rash around easily. Anti-itch creams are the best bet to soothe you. Some have found that taking oatmeal baths reduces the itching, just like it does with the chicken pox.

Are you one of those unlucky people who has had a run-in with poison ivy? We’ve got the inside skinny on how to treat Poison Ivy Rash as well as Poison Ivy Blisters .

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