A Mediterranean garden is one of the eye catching gardens that have the look and feel of a European get away even when the garden is located in Southern California. This is a tasteful and colorful type of garden that is found in places like Italy, Spain or Greece with a maraud of colors and old world charm.
The Mediterranean garden also includes things made of stone, concrete or ceramics and can include fountains or ponds that lend a cooling and relaxing atmosphere to the garden. In a true Mediterranean garden there are plants and trees that are of olives, citrus, and vines of grapes, along with Pomegranates. Plants that are found in these gardens are Lavender, Rosemary, Oleanders and even the common Geranium. This garden is usually built upon a mixture of edible herbs and fruits among the color and beauty of flowers to make it an appealing and aromatic place to relax. Relaxation is one of the key features in the Mediterranean garden; this can be from a simple stone bench, a swinging seat or the table located on the stone or brick patio. One thing that is out of place in this garden is wood and metal, this is a garden built on old world charm and not the modern conveniences of today, like the wood that is placed to hold some beds in place or help to raise them.
The most important thing to remember with a garden of this type is to choose the plants that will go into it carefully and be aware of their watering needs. This garden is not located in the climate of Italy, Spain or even the South of France; it is located in a place like Southern California. That means the plants must be able to tolerate the climate in this location successfully to flourish yearly.
These gardens can also include plants like roses that can be found in a huge variety of colors and flower sizes to help compliment the garden in their elegant way. They are a relaxing garden that often have stone or brick pathways winding through them to lend to the Mediterranean feel.
One feature about this type of garden is the aromatic herbs that can be planted such as sage and rosemary that other types of garden might not include, the herbs are ones based on the herbs that can be found in the Mediterranean gardens of Italy or Greece. In the garden it is possible to find a relaxing seat hidden amid the floral and scents of herbs.
While these are lively gardens filled with color and smell they also should include the old world charm that is gained by the use of cement, stone and brick found in these original gardens that are often used to make paths through the garden for a relaxing look of a place to gaze upon the colors and smells.
This is the type of garden that can fit the style of any home and can give the appearance of a warm inviting hideaway.
Check out Roger’s Gardens for more info on Mediterranean gardens and outdoor entertaining. See ABN for more helpful gardening articles.