Tag Archives: model making

How to Build a RC Plane

There are quite a few routes to follow if you want to start flying RC airplanes, and the individual will have to decide what route is correct for them; however I can try to help you decide by giving you the options.

Probably the fastest way is to buy a secondhand airplane from somewhere like ebay or a local club member. Unfortunatley you will have little or now idea how well the airplane has been constructed.

Ready to Fly

Next up is the route most beginners choose and that is the “ready to fly” or RTF as it’s more commonly known. These can be sub divided into simple park flyers (available from toy shops) to the more serious RC airplanes available from your local hobby shop (most good hobby shops also have excellent websites). These are always supplied with all radio control equipment.

Almost Ready To Fly

ARTF or “almost ready to fly” is a firm favourite with beginners who enjoy building planes on a basic level they can also be known as ARF. While almost ready to fly airplanes are supplied in kit form much of the work has been carried out by the factory, and only simple assembly work is needed to complete your airplane. They normally come supplied with radio control equipment. The assembly work is easily carried out by DIY enthusiasts.

Kit Built

The Intermediate to expert builder will probably buy a true RC Kit. These consist of a kit of parts some pre-cut or formed that enable the enthusiastic model maker to complete every element of the build. All parts that are needed to complete the airplane will be included, so this is a very satisfying way of building your model. The airplane will only need basic hand tools to complete. The time the airplane takes to build will largely depend on how complex the project, and the spare time availabe to the builder.

Scratch build

The final route is scratch built, either from plans, or designed by the builder. Clearly this is the route taken by the expert modellers out there who will probably have completed many projects and will have a well set up workroom. Many plans are available on line as pdf’s and some are given as free gifts within specialist magazines, the sky really is the limit and you are only bound by your own imagination.

So we have a multitude of choices in this great hobby, I wish you luck with your flying!

Learn more about RC Airplanes . Stop by Paul Harris’s site where you can find out all about How to make a RC Plane . Click here to get your own unique version of this article with free reprint rights.