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The 3 Most Common Problems For Earthworm Farms

earthworm farms,home composting,worm farm,building earthworm farms,compost bin,earthworm farms stinkOne of my favorite things to do is building earthworm farms. It is a pretty easy activity that can be a great weekend project. Maintaining your earthworm farms is a completely different story though. They can be fickle at best, so it is sometimes very hard to figure out what to do. Thankfully, they sometimes drop us a few hints to tell us what they need us to do. Here are a few basic problems that I encounter with my earthworm farms and what I do to troubleshoot them.

The most desperate problem I encounter, which happens every so often to everyone, is when some of my worms try to escape or even die. Naturally this is the most serious problem for any earthworm farmer to encounter. Worms don’t think like humans. If their environment isn’t perfectly suitable, they move on to greener pastures as quickly as they can crawl. If your worms are dying or trying to get out, the first thing you need to check is the environment in the earthworm farms and re-examine if it is suitable for your worms.

-If the compost bin is too wet, that is if there is standing water in the bottom, you should verify that your drainage holes are not clogged and add more bedding to help disperse the moisture.

-If the compost is very dry inside, simply get a glass of water or a hose and spray down the bedding. Your bedding should be moist enough that when you wring it out, you notice a few drops fall.

-If the bedding has been completely decomposed, your worms will have nothing to live in but their own compost. This is a common reason worms try to escape. Simply harvest your compost and add new bedding to your earthworm farms.

If your earthworm farms stink, this can be very unpleasant. There are a few reasons that cause this and a few things you can do to try to clean up the air in your compost bin.

-The first thing you should do is check the moisture level in your bin. Sometimes if your compost bin is too wet it will cause odors. If the water content is high, verify that your drainage holes are not clogged and add more bedding.

-The next thing you should check is how much food is in your earthworm farms. If you are adding food quicker than your worms can decompose it, the food will stagnate and start to rot from bacteria. Simply remove some of the food and slow down how quickly you add food.

-If these options don’t work, drill more holes in the top of your compost bin to allow for more aeration.

Possibly the most common concern I see about earthworm farms is about fruit flies. Stopping fruit flies from hanging around your earthworms is a very easy thing to fix. They are there because they can smell the food inside your compost bin. When you add waste to your earthworm farms, dig a hole down into the bedding, place the food, and bury it. By burying the waste, you prevent the smell from escaping the compost bin.

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Avoid the Most Common Garden Design Problems in Mesa, Arizona

Are you planning a new garden design in Mesa, Arizona? Currently encountering some gardening problems? This article will provide you with remedies to the top 5 most common gardening problems in this day and age. Whether you’re designing your garden for beauty in your backyard or for vegetables that will feed your family, the following information will be beneficial to you.

Avoid the 5 Most Common Gardening Problems in Mesa, Arizona:

1. You don’t need a “green thumb” to raise crops or grow plants. The “green thumb” requirement is nothing but a myth. Peopler aren’t born with gardening skills! Rather, they acquire proper gardening knowledge and they implement what they learn. When we use the words “green thumb,” we don’t mean “talent,” or “flair.” We use those words as a label that refers to developed skills rather than acquired at birth. To solve the “green thumb” problem, which some people consider the most common of gardening excuses, anyone can learn how to grow and cultivate plants.

2. Be certain you have the appropriate landscape for your garden. This is not a precise rule on how to arrange your lawn or backyard to accommodate your garden, save for this: plants you wish to grow should be cultivated in an area where they can enjoy space. At full maturity, plants shouldn’t be close to one another, so much so that their foliage can already be regarded as the same. Plants need their own freedom to grow. Promoting space will ensure that they won’t have to fight for the nutrients they receive, and that diseases won’t spread quickly among the developing crops.

3. If you don’t have enough space for your desired garden, which is another popular problem in the long list of things that keep people from gardening, there are other options for you. In fact, that problem is pretty easy to address! The answer: try container gardening which will allow you to grow plants at home even if you’re living in an apartment or condominium.

4. Put a stop to pest invasion. If pests are left unimpeded, they will destroy your garden quickly. Pests can be eliminated through a variety of methods. You can try to attract useful insects that will feed on the particular pests. Or, you can grow companion plants that will repel the inhabitation of these creatures. You can also try commercial pesticides that will eliminate these pests without harming your plants.

5. Get rid of weeds! Stop thinking about pulling them out one by one or tilling the soil regularly. You won’t get rid of the roots and the weeds will just grow back. Try using mulch or putting a protective cover over your soil. This will deprive weeds of sunlight and they won’t be able to grow and reproduce.

Here’s some information about a popular desert plant that will make a great addition to your garden design in Mesa.

The Red Fairy Duster, also called Calliandra Californica, is a brilliant, puff-like flower that can bloom almost all year long, with peak bloom time occurring in the late spring. Its spectacular bloom makes it a colorful, accentuating shrub for the garden.

The Red Fairy Duster loves full sun. Supplemental water in the summer will increase blooming significantly. Its flowers are favored by hummingbirds and its small, dark green leaves lend this plant to a lush and almost tropical feel that can be used in a desert oasis landscape.

The Red Fairy Duster can grow to be both 4 feet wide and 4 feet tall, but it is particularly easy to maintain. Pruning is not necessary and watering should be done twice a month in winter and once a week in summer. The Red Fairy Duster is susceptible to frost and is both pest and disease resistant.

If you are still unsure about what will work in your garden design and landscaping in Mesa, there are plenty of online resources that can help you. For instance, many local landscaping companies have expertise in garden design and plants that thrive in the area. Hiring a professional garden design and landscaping company in Mesa, Arizona might just be your best bet. They can work with you to pick out the best plants that fit your taste, lifestyle and budget – and they can even help you maintain it!

John Waters is Principal of Creative Environments Design Landscape, the largest and most respected landscape design company in Arizona. Let our team work with you to develop a garden design in Mesa that will fit your style and budget. Visit our website to request a free consultation.