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Good Landscaping Ideas Need A Good Landscaping Plan

If variety is the spice of life, then it is no wonder that we embrace change in our everyday lives. From the clothes we wear, to the way we decorate our homes change helps keep things fresh and new. But when it comes to our home’s landscaping, change is not as easy as buying a new item for our wardrobe, or putting some fresh paint on the walls. When we make changes in our landscaping they are difficult and time consuming to undo, and returning used items to the store is often impossible. That is why it is important to have a solid plan in place before you bring your landscaping ideas to life.

One thing to remember when formulating your landscaping ideas is that unlike interior decorating, landscaping has a dynamic and organic canvass on which to work. The inside of your home changes at a time of your choosing, but your landscaping takes its queues from Mother Nature. Plants die, trees grow, and rains can erode your hard work in one short day. A good landscape plan will take all those factors, and more, into account. It is easy to fall into the trap of focusing on the art of landscaping while ignoring the science, but good landscaping is as much engineering as it is inspiration, so before you put your landscaping ideas into action consider some of the following tips and warnings.

When you set off to tackle your landscaping ideas, avoid doing the work in a piecemeal fashion. It is easy to fall into the trap of sporadically planting flowers and placing stones in drab corners of your property, but doing so can give you a finished product that lacks cohesiveness. If you want your landscaping to have a unified look and feel, then you have to start from scratch. Put together a landscaping plan for the entire property before you set off and start digging.

Another important thing to remember is that good landscaping ideas must take advantage of the land and features you have to work with. How much direct sun does your property receive? Do you have areas that are sunny while others are shady? Do you have heavy soil that drains slowly, or sandy soil that drains quickly and retains little water? Is your property flat or hilly? Do you live in an area where plants and colors are living year round, or do the cold winters rob you of your plants and colors? The answers to those questions can help you arrive at a landscaping plan that will give you the best chances for success. With some help or research you can find the proper plants, flowers, grasses, watering plans, and architectural features to best suit your property.

Lastly, good landscaping ideas have an eye toward proportion, both in the scale of the project and the amount of time you have to dedicate toward building and maintenance. Be sure to build features that have a size that is fitting with the size of your home. Building a massive stone waterfall in front of a small cottage would look out of place, just as a single small flowerbed would do little to enhance the landscaping of a massive mansion.

Remember that things like ponds, retaining walls, hedges, and trees often appear much larger when installed than they do when they reside only in your imagination. In many cases, smaller plans make for better finished results. And remember proportion when considering the upkeep of your landscaping ideas. Things like pools, ponds, or waterfalls require cleaning and maintenance on a regular basis, so try not to create more work than you have time to do.

Landscaping is a matter of taste, just like clothes or interior decorating. The art and beauty of landscape design is in the eye of the beholder, but the science of a good plan is universal. If you want a landscape project that will make the most of what you have, then make sure that your landscaping ideas are fitting with your time, resources, and property.

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What You Need To Know About Pruning Bonsai Trees

Pruning bonsai trees is one of the most important things you will have to do as a bonsai enthusiast. Generally, you will be pruning two parts of your bonsai: the roots, which is the bottom part of the plant, and the foliage, which is the top part of the plant. Pruning your bonsais is one of the more interesting aspects of growing these interesting plants and is a way to let your creativity shine.

Root pruning is important because it allows the tree to grow new roots. Because of their small containers, the roots of bonsai trees are often stunted in growth. By pruning the root system of your bonsai regularly, you will ensure that the plant has the space needed to grow new roots, which in turn helps the plant absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil. As with any other plant, the root structure is critical to the growth and health of your bonsai.

On the other hand, pruning a bonsai tree’s foliage is also vital – if only for aesthetic purposes. If you are a bonsai owner, you probably have a specific design in mind for your tree. Pruning will help you achieve the results you desire. Pruning can help shape your tree into the form you want as well as removes any dead leaves to help keep it healthy and beautiful.

Also, don’t forget that the roots and the foliage of your bonsai tree are interconnected. When you reduce the foliage (or number of leaves) that your tree has, you are also reducing the strain on its roots. In other words, the less leaves there are, the less work the roots have to do to keep them alive.

The amount of pruning you will do will depend heavily on your plans for the tree. It is best for you to have a plan here before you begin. Remember that the changes that you make to your tree are permanent! If you cut a branch off, that branch is gone forever, and you will have to wait for a new one to take its place. Remember to prune your tree gently – if you are removing leaves pinch them off with your fingers and don’t use sharp or harsh tools.

Most people like to prune off branches that cross the trunk or each other. Why? Because it isn’t very pretty to look at. So unless you think you can rewire the branch and force it to grow in another direction, cut it off. Branches that stick out towards you are also common pruning targets. Of course, what you prune from your plant should be your personal decision. What is really important is that you find your bonsai tree beautiful; what others think of it is a secondary consideration. Trust your own good taste.

Remember: pruning your bonsai trees is supposed to be fun! Don’t get too worked up if your trees don’t turn out the way you want them at first. If you keep learning and practicing your botanical skills, the day will soon come when your bonsai will be the envy of your neighbors!

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