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What Are Some Flowers That Bloom All Year Long Or Last A Long Time?

Flower gardens have always added beauty and life to a property. For the plant enthusiast, having a flower garden is not just a hobby, but it is also a passion. The disappointing part of having a flower garden is when they go out of bloom. Fortunately, there are many flowers that bloom all year long or last a long time, depending on the region and climate. Most gardeners plant perennials because they bloom each year, however, when properly taken care of, they can stay in bloom for a long time. The key to getting your Barrie Flowers to stay in bloom for an extended period of time is to plant hardy plants so they last as late as possible into the fall. Examples of hardy plants include: mums, carnations, wild flowers, daisies, geraniums, marigolds moss roses, and peonies.

The following is a list of flowers that bloom all year long or last a long time:

1. Day Lily – Although the Day Lily lasts only one day when it blooms, it is a very hardy plant that will bloom late in the fall. They are available in a broad range of colors and bloom over and over into the late season.

2. Catmint – The bloom span of the catmint is approximately 2 to 3 months. These plants will bloom throughout the summer. They are very robust and can thrive in drought prone climates. These flowers are blue-lavender in color and have gray foliage. They make a lovely addition to the flower garden.

3. Black-Eyed Susan – This pretty flower grows well in many regions. Their petals look like flat landing pads and they have a bloom span of 3 months. Deadheading will prolong bloom. They grow well in soil that is well drained.

4. Yarrow – This flower can bloom for 3 months or more. It is a hardy flower that can grow in a variety of regions and climates. Gardeners will deadhead the spent flowers for repeat bloom. These flowers prefer drier climates and soil.

5. Bellflower – The species Campanula, or Bellflower, has a bloom span of 2 months or more. They grow best during cooler summers. They should be grown in partial shade. There a number of species of the Bellflower and they are easy to grow and maintain.

6. Pin Cushion Flowers – These Richmond Hill Flowers look like pincushions and the stems are long and lanky looking. The bloom span can be over 3 months if you use deadheading. They require the full sun to thrive. Pin Cushion Flowers are a very interesting looking flower making them a very popular choice.

7. Coneflower – This hardy flower can bloom for 2 – 3 months. They thrive well during periods of drought. They have long stalks and are a very colorful flower. They are popular because they attract a variety butterflies and birds. Deadheading will prolong the bloom period. To thrive, they require good soil drainage and full sun.

Planting long lasting flowers will help you maintain a beautiful blooming garden for a long time. The key point to remember is the woodier and thicker the stem, the hardier the Orangeville Flowers because it can better resist the frost. There are many flower sites that provide essential tips on picking long lasting flowers. As well, you can consult with your local garden centre for advice on picking the best flowers. For those who view flower gardening as an art and passion, knowing the plant’s structure, attributes, and bloom period ensures they will extend the bloom time to much later in the fall.

Trying to find flowers in Newmarket Flowers? Order your flowers and gift arrangements at Barrie Florists, a family owned and operated boutique in Barrie with more than 30 years of floral design experience. Pick from a wide variety of freshness flowers available to make your event memorable!