Tag Archives: bins

Wood or Plastic Worm Bins – Which is Better?

This guide can answer your questions and many more, and can be very useful to both new and seasoned pros by helping them understand how to do it right the first time.  Maybe you just want to stay on top of your hobby or try your hands at the commercial side of wormery.  Either way, worm farm bins can really help you with those decisions.  

For instance there are questions that new worm farmers have to ask themselves before they begin farming; should they use red wigglers or earthworms, plastic or wooden worm bins, or keep their wormery outside or inside? Do you know the differences between each of these choices?

Then there’s the choice of what kind of farming you have in mind.  Are you maintaining a wormery for a year round supply of worms to sell commercially or do you just want to raise worms so you can help the environment by feeding your worms your organic wastes?  Either way we can help you decide and take you to your next level.

Perhaps you want to turn your current worm farming interests into a profitable business but not sure if you can make money with worms?  Are you uncomfortable writing business plans, or maybe you just don’t know the first thing about web marketing, advertising, permits, zoning, the bait market, contracts etc., . . .yes the list goes on.  Allow worm farm bins to help you answer all of those questions and many more, and once you have those questions answered, you will be pointed in the right direction.  NOW you can become the best worm farmer that you can be.

If you want to become a better expert at worm farming or make a decent profit with your wormery then get the information you are seeking. Click here and let worm farm bins save you money, time and avoid unnecessary disappointments.   This guide will walk you through the ABC’s of your worm farming hobby or business.


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Guide to worm composting – maintaining worms in worm composting bins

Red worms/ Red wrigglers are the best kind of worms for composting. These worms are often found in the old compost piles. These worms are different from the earthworms you would normally find in the ground. These worms have a huge appetite and they reproduce quickly and thrive in the confinement. These worms can eat more than their own weight in food every day. When you purchase some red worms, 1 pound is all you need to get started.

The best suited for composting are red worms. These worms are often found in the aged manure, compost heaps and piles of the leaves. These worms are also known as brandling and manure worms. Their official names are Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus. On the other hand dew worms are also better suited to life in the soil and shouldn’t be used in a worm bin.

You can also get your worms from your compost bin; you can purchase them/find a horse stable/farmer with aged manure pile

In every 1 pound per day of food waste, you’ll need 2 pounds of worms. Whether you are unable to get this many worms at the start, reduce the amount of food waste until the population of worms increases. Red worms can mature sexually in 60-90 days and it can produce cocoons which take 21 days for them to hatch their baby worms. Once the worms start breeding they can deposit 2-3 cocoons per week with 2 baby worms in each cocoon. 



Worms in composting bins like to eat many of the same things we human beings to eat, only when they aren’t so picky. Favorite foods they eat are:


Stale bread

Apple cores

Orange peels

Lettuce trimmings

Coffee grounds

Non-greasy leftovers

Vegetable scraps


Feeding your worms at the beginning feed them only a little at a time. You can add larger quantities of food waste. You should do bedding regularly, if you rotate the bin as you go.  If you return to the first spot, most of the food you have buried there should have been eaten.

 Your worms can eat your food scraps, fruits and vegetable peels, pulverized egg shells, tea bags and coffee grounds. To avoid some potential rodent problems do not compost meats, dairy products and soon.

 If you pull aside the bedding bury the food waste deep and cover it up with the bedding again divide the bin into 3 or 4 imaginary sections and bury successive loads in different areas in the bin. There’s a weekly waste food that will help us human beings to determine the size of your worm compost bin and the number of the worms you’ll need. Do this for 2 weeks to get an estimate the average of our food waste.

My name is guy. I am the founder and owner of the urbangardenershop.com.au . I fell in love with hydroponics gardening. As time went by I gathered a vast knowledge base and 2 years ago I decided to find a way to make hydroponics gardening a hobby that anyone can peruse. I added a hydroponic gardening information center to our hydroponic supplies site that offers a large range of hydroponics articles. Thank you for your interest and feel free to ask questions on hydroponics gardening in our site