Tag Archives: Facts

Beneficial Facts Relating To Hydroponics Greenhouses

The actual notion of the greenhouse has been in the press from about two decades ago. Although right now there are a wide variety of greenhouses working in significant scale in the world for some decades now, we really don’t read about them as regularly as back in the day. This could be due to the fact that the greenhouse principle has by now become a stagnant topic matter or go green movements have become more dominant inside the green front. Nonetheless, constructing a hydroponics greenhouse is a widespread event that can be viewed all around the planet.

A Hydroponics garden greenhouse was first built to make sure that many of the tropical plant life could be brought up in non-tropical circumstances. For this, an man-made container was built with tropical like ecosystem where the garden greenhouse effect was employed to keep the tropical temperatures and humidity.

Gravel is employed as the channel for rooting in a hydroponics garden greenhouse. The gravel is supported with a lot of nourishment needed for plants. At times, the nutrition is certainly not demanded at all times. There is an innovative irrigation system in these types of cases where the needed nourishment is pumped routinely. This kind of customized method is termed sub-irrigation culture . In a sizeable or industrial hydroponics greenhouse, each and every activity after planting a seed is conducted by way of advanced mechanization. If anything is deficient for the vegetation, the sensors placed amongst the vegetation can sense the shortage.

There are numerous advantages of a hydroponics garden greenhouse. Above all is the amount of a harvest. The end product is often a few times greater when compared to traditional farming. Then, there is much less damages for the harvest from pesky insects and fungi due to the extremely controlled surroundings. Consequently, as the operating price being minimal, substantial return on the expense is gained.

Just like for everything else, hydroponics garden greenhouses have its own naysayers. There are some individuals who will not consume goods from a hydroponics garden greenhouse. Mainly this is because of the false impression and confusion between the products generated in a hydroponics garden greenhouse and genetic engineering. A few individuals imagine that the products which come out of any hydroponics greenhouse are genetically engineered. After that would be the chemical like farming issue. When compared with traditional farming, a hydroponics greenhouse will apply considerable amounts of chemical substances for supporting the development and safeguarding the crops from harm. This is viewed as harmful as countless folks and businesses.

Contrary to traditional farming, goods originating from a hydroponics garden greenhouse appear fresher and constant. For that reason, these kinds of goods do have a great reception in the supermarkets.

To find a lot more info on hydroponics growing systems or a slew of other great hydroponics information, http://www.hydroponichelp.com/hydroponics-system/hydroponics-growing-system.php.

Worms – Some Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about worms you may not know

Worms are invertebrates, that is they have a long, soft body and no back bone or legs! They do not have a brain but do have a nerve centre (called a ganglia). They do not have eyes but are sensitive to light.

Worms either move by stretching and contracting their muscles or some only move using the movement of other creatures or the soil movement.

Worms come in all sorts of sizes from tiny little thin things to very big ones. Guess how big you think the largest earth worm might be?

The largest earth worm is the giant Gippsland, it lives in Australia and can grow to about 3 metres in length, it is a protected and endangered species as many have been killed by farming methods.

There are hundreds of thousands of species of worms and about 2,700 are earth worms. Earth worms have been around for 120 million years! That’s quite a long time, they were even around when the dinosaurs were here!

Dendrobaena worms are native to the UK. They live in the top 2-10 cm of the soil and have a good and varied diet, thus why they are favourite for wormeries.

Darwin described the earth worm as “the intestines of the earth”

Did you know that a Tonne of these worms can eat a tonne of green and kitchen waste in 1 – 4 days!!!! Not a lot of people know that. They basically can eat their own body weight in this time, Imagine a human of 60 kg (10 Stone) doing that!!!!

They like most things we like but are not partial to onions, garlic leaks etc. They also do not like anything high in acidity, so oranges, tomatoes, grapefruit etc are not suitable for a wormery as the increase in acidity can kill them also they just wont eat it!

One of their favourite food is Poo! They just love horse manure, to them this is the same as us going for a favourite Chinese dinner!

If you think of archeologists when they dig up ancient bodies etc there is usually nothing left except, bones, metal or stone objects, this is because the worms and other tiny life in the soil eat almost everything else!

Worms are hermaphrodites, that is to say each worm is both male and female, but they can cross fertilize. Two worms will wriggle together, go all wet and slimely (bit like humans) and both will produce an egg. The ring around the worm, about 1 third down from its head end is called the Clitellum, often referred to as the saddle. The saddle is where the worm eggs are made,

After mating the clitellum forms a shell around the worm cells and “rolls” itself over the head of the worm making the egg capsule, called a Cocoon.

Each worm will produce between 1 and 2 cocoons per week.

Each cocoon will contain between 1 and 7 hatchlings, always an odd number usually 3 or 5.

The eggs can lie dormant for up to a year, hatching only when the conditions are favourable. They like a temperature of between 15 and 22 degrees.

When hatched the hatchlings are tiny, about 2mm in length and the with of a fine pencil line!

The hatchlings develop and are fully sexually mature at about 16 weeks; this is when they develop their clitella and can start mating and producing eggs.

In 1881 Charles Darwin wrote:-
“It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures”

Visit: www.wormsonline.co.uk

We have a stunning selection of products that provide various environmental solutions for you including our Beehive Wormeries, Dektop Wormeries, Organic Fertilizer and Ecover products.